Drop-in Care
Care at Step by Step is available for children who are not enrolled on a per diem basis when needed (in-service days, snow days, etc). Please call ahead to ensure that we are open, have appropriate staffing, and have an available spot for your child on these days. Rates are set by the children’s age - See information on the Tuition Rate page.
Summer Camp
During the weeks that State College Area School District is closed, Step by Step offers a summer camp for school-age children. The cost of the camp is set by the week, so families can pick and choose any or all of the weeks that the camp is open to send their child(ren). Each week, the camp features a different theme, around which craft projects, activities, and field trips are planned. The camp group typically consists of up to 24 children with 2 teachers. More details regarding themes and pricing are available each year in the spring.