After graduating from the Monkeys, children move into a second year of pre-kindergarten in the Lizards classroom. In this class, the focus on early literacy and math skills increases, with a large part of the morning dedicated to reviewing letters and phonics sounds, and science concepts. This class also introduces foundational math skills through a daily math lesson. Table stations include many academic skills, including writing, counting, and sorting, mixed in with fun games and arts and crafts activities.
Lizards generally follow this schedule:
7:00-9:30 – Drop off, breakfast/morning snack, and free play
9:30-10:00 – Circle time with stories and songs, lesson for the day is discussed
10:00-11:30 – Table stations and centers, including many art and academic activities reinforcing the day’s theme
11:45-12:30 – Lunch and potty
12:30-1:30 – Gross motor play outdoors (weather permitting) or in classroom 102
1:30-2:30 – Quiet reading
2:30-3:00 – Math lesson/activity
3:00-3:30 – Afternoon snack
3:30-6:00 – Open centers, free play outdoors (weather-permitting) and pick-ups
The Lizards class generally has 16-19 children, a lead teacher, and an assistant teacher.